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Incident Management System

The healthcare organization has a large number of devices and systems that need to be monitored for potential incidents. Power Platform helped the organization to improve their incident response time and ensure that incidents are resolved quickly and efficiently.

In this blog post, GTH Cloud 365 explore how Power Platform can be utilized to develop a robust Incident Management System that integrates various components of the platform to streamline the incident management process and improving efficiency and productivity.

Business Use Cases:

  • Streamline the tracking and management of incidents reported by end users for improved efficiency.
  • Effectively prioritize and assign incidents to the relevant teams or individuals based on their severity and expertise.
  • Monitor the progress of incident resolution to ensure timely and efficient handling of reported issues.
  • Utilize data-driven insights to generate comprehensive reports and analytics, identifying trends and areas for potential improvement.

Power Platform components which we used to implement incident management system for healthcare customers.

Incident Reporting

  • End-users or clients can access the PowerApps canvas app to raise the incident in the system.

Incident Triage and Assignment

  • Power Automate Workflow monitors the newly created incident records.
  • Based on the priority level or category, Power Automate Workflow automatically assigns the incident to the appropriate team or individual.

Incident Resolution

  • The assigned team member accesses the PowerApps Form to view and update the incident status.
  • Team members can log the steps taken for resolution, add comments, and update the incident’s status (e.g., “In Progress” “Resolved” “Completed” “Escalated” etc.)

Automated Escalation

  • If an incident is not resolved within a predefined time frame, Power Automate triggers an escalation process.
  • The incident is automatically escalated to higher-level support or management for attention.

Reporting and Analytics

  • Power BI is used to create real-time dashboards and reports based on incident data.
  • Customers can visualize incident trends, resolution times, and other key metrics to identify potential bottlenecks and areas for improvement.

GTH Cloud 365 effectively harnesses the capabilities of Power Platform (PowerApps, Power Automate and Power BI) to streamline the incident handling process, leading to improved response times, enhanced communication, and valuable insights for continuous improvement. This empowerment enables customers to uphold high service levels and deliver exceptional customer experiences